Breaking news- Chess Queen Gives Back

December 14, 2009

Women's World Chess Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk

Current Women’s World Chess Champion and Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk has selected the Tucson nonprofit organization 9 Queens as one of the few chess programs in the country to honor with her Christmas Goodwill Offer. On December 20, 2009, as part of her national goodwill tour to promote the benefits of chess, Ms. Kosteniuk will fly to Tucson, Arizona to promote the benefits of chess. From 2-4 pm at the Parasol Project Arts Space (299 S Park Avenue), Ms. Kosteniuk will answer questions from participants in the 9 Queens Academy and read from her new book “Diary of a Chess Queen.”  Immediately following the Queens Academy, 9 Queens will host a reception and simultaneous chess exhibit at MAST a new boutique located next door to Parasol Project.  During the simultaneous chess exhibit, Ms. Kosteniuk will play up to 50 chess players at the same time.

In addition to to serving as the current Women’s World Chess Champion, Ms. Kosteniuk, also serves as the co-chair for the World Chess Federation’s Commission for Womens Chess. Ms Kosteniuk
is also a notable chess celebrity and widely regarded as the most popular chess player in the world. Known for the mantra “Chess is Cool,” Kosteniuk was recently voted the most influential chess player on Twitter.

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3 Responses

  1. […] age of fourteen in 2008, she narrowly lost in the finals for the women’s world Championship (to 9queens’ guest of honor next week, Women’s World Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk), and she is still improving rapidly. If any female now playing is to wrest the title of world […]

  2. Jennifer says:

    This is great news! Thanks Alexandra!

  3. PoPChess » Merry Christmas (2) says:

    […] flying tomorrow morning to Tucson for my Goodwill event at 9 Queens, I would like to wish to all chess players in the world a wonderful holiday season and lots of […]

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