February Family Chess Night @ Bookman’s–Women’s World Chess Champions
Can you solve the puzzle for February? White to move and mate in three.
Win a PRIZE! Bring your puzzle solution to Bookman’s on Speedway Family Chess Night, 6:30-8:30pm, first Wednesday of every month–this month, February 1–and win a free prize. The whole family, new and experienced players are all invited to join us to play or learn to play chess.
Women’s World Chess Champions represent the world’s largest and fastest developing countries
The New York Times recently reported that if you want to understand the world in 2012, you need to go to China and India. Not only do these countries “account for one-third of humanity and much of the world’s recent growth. They reflect some of our oldest and richest civilizations. . .” and the invention of chess. The area is the birthplace of chess and home of the current finalists of the Women’s World Chess Championship recently concluded in Albania.
Hou Yifan of China
Hou Yifan of China defeated Humpy Koneru of India (5.5 to 2.5), retaining the women’s world title. Hou Yifan, now 18, was the youngest to win the women’s championship (at age 16) and the youngest female player to qualify for the title of Grandmaster. Humpy Koneru holds a 2011 FIDE Elo rating of 2614, placing her as the number two ranked woman player, behind number one, Judit Polgar, who has never played in a Women’s World Championship. She prefers not to compete in women only events.
Humpy Koneru of India
Northwestern India (in the 6th century) is generally attributed with the birthplace of chess, although China is suggested as an alternate point of origin. That these top women chess players come from the world’s largest and fastest developing countries and where the game originated is appropriate for the emerging world order.
You can read about Hou Yifan and Humpy Koneru in the 9Queens publication Play Like a Girl, authored by 9Queens co-founder Jennifer Shahade. Proceeds from sale of the book help support 9Queens.
https://www.wwcc2011tirana.com/template.php?pag=1&t Women’s World Championship 2011
https://travel.nytimes.com/2012/01/08/travel/where-to-go-to-understand-the-world-in-2012.html China and India travel
https://www.silk-road.com/newsletter/volumeonenumberone/origin.html China as chess origin
https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessplayer?pid=95916 Hou Yifan chess games
https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessplayer?pid=49497 Humpy Konero chess games
Solution to January’s puzzle by Vladimir Nabokov from his book, Poems and Problems (1970):
“Key: Q-h5
1 . . . B-e8 2 QxB mate
The best tries are b5-b6, B-c7, and Kt-e6″
[…] February’s puzzle solution: 1. Qxh7+ Ke6 2. Qg6+ Bxg6 3. Rf6# Uncategorized Post a comment […]