9 Queens: Empowerment through Chess

9 Queens is dedicated to empowering individuals and communities through chess by making the game fun, exciting, and accessible.

Player Spotlight


Varga Luna

(playing for 4 years)

“I became interested in chess when I was about four. I like chess bc you get to have fun and learn some things. You get to be more patient. You get to focus and concentrate. ”

Events / Outreach

9 Queens and Mexicayotl Academy

Thank you Mexicayotl Academy, students and families for supporting academic success and Empowerment Through Chess!

9 Queens and Mexicayotl Academy had an amazing year with our after school program.  Our classes, held 4 times a week, introduced the game of chess to grades K-2.  Our classes provided basic chess instruction in both English and Spanish with the use of curriculum designed by 9 Queens!



Young student at Mexicayotl Academy learning the names of chess pieces.


9 Queens uses chess as a tool to motivate, empower and engage girls to achieve academic and personal success!


9 Queens after school chess program is designed to promote critical thinking skills, increase academic performance and strengthen self-confidence.

Each student was provided their own 9 Queens chess bag and passport book which they were able to take home at the end of the year. And class just wouldn’t be complete without our giant lawn chess set which we used to help our young kinesthetic learners understand annotation, strategy and strengthen spatial reasoning.




With a maximum of 15 students, each class was taught by two instructors allowing children to receive the attention they needed to excel. With one on one games, group instruction, review with our demo board and activities on the lawn chess set we were able to provide instruction that reached our visual, auditory, tactile learners.


We watched our students grow tremendously as they developed patience and chess etiquette as they learned the history of chess and the benefits it provides.




Chess improves memory, develops spatial reasoning and teaches the valuable of lesson of thinking before we move.