9 Queens: Empowerment through Chess

9 Queens is dedicated to empowering individuals and communities through chess by making the game fun, exciting, and accessible.

Player Spotlight


Varga Luna

(playing for 4 years)

“I became interested in chess when I was about four. I like chess bc you get to have fun and learn some things. You get to be more patient. You get to focus and concentrate. ”

Events / Outreach

9 Queens 8th Annual Chess Fest

9 Queens presents Chess Fest at the Historic Hotel Congress
When You Bishop On A Star

When You Bishop On A Star


Chess Fest is an annual, family chess festival held in the heart of downtown Tucson at the Hotel Congress. In contrast to traditional chess tournaments and events, the Chess Fest has something for everyone, regardless of age or chess experience. Activities include: beginner chess lessons, pick-up chess games, face painting, chess simultaneous exhibits, and a giant chess match played on a life-size board. This year we are pleased to have Grand Master Irina Krush as our special guest! 25 guests will have the opportunity to play Irina in a simultaneous exhibition game inside of the Historic Hotel Congress. To see photos from previous Chess Fests please visit our media library.


“I visited the 9 Queens Chess Fest. There were lots of chess activities for kids and grown-ups, it was one of the best chess promotion events I’ve ever been to! I was able to meet a lot of new chess friends, play a simul against 40 players.Thanks again to 9 Queens, Jean Hoffman and all the volunteers and sponsors for creating the best possible chess promotion in Tucson, Arizona. It’s an example to be followed all around the world!”

Alexandra Kosteniuk

12th Women’s World Chess Champion