Posts Tagged ‘Chess Fest’

5th Annual Chess Fest!!!

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Join 9 Queens and former Women’s World Champion and Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk for the 5th Annual “Chess Fiesta” on Cinco de Mayo (May 5, 2012) from 2-5 pm at the Hotel Congress (311 E Congress St, Tucson, Arizona). This year’s Chess Fest will feature a simultaneous chess exhibition where Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk will play multiple games at a time against Tucsonans interested in challenging the Grandmaster. Grandmaster Kosteniuk will also be the recipient of the 9 Queens Award given to a player who embodies the mission of 9 Queens and our commitment to empowering under-served and under-represented populations.

This year’s “Readymade” Chess Fest will have something for everyone, regardless of age or chess experience. For those more artistically inclined, Chess Fest will pay homage to Marcel Duchamp an artist and avid chess player known for selecting ordinary manufactured objects and using them to create “readymade” pieces of art. Participants can visit the arts and crafts station to create their own “readymade” chess sets and crowns. Other activities include: beginner chess lessons, pick-up chess games, face painting, chess simultaneous exhibits.

Battle of the Ads video

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Check out this video from the Battle of the Ads this year featuring our friends from Madden Media as they make our poster for this year’s Chess Fest!

Chess Fest Photos

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Thanks to everyone who came out for the 3rd Annual Chess Fest- our largest chess fest to date. Check out these photos courtesy of Ryan Mihalyi.

Bookmans and the Chess Fest Challenge

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Tucsonans: are you interested in chess but never had the opportunity to learn how to play? Curious about trying out the game but nervous you don’t know the rules? No more excuses!!! Do not miss this amazing opportunity to learn how to play at the 3rd Annual Chess Fest from 3-5 pm on April 10 at the Hotel Congress!

Bookmans Chess Passport

Bookmans Chess Passport

This year’s Chess Fest will not only feature free chess lessons, but also provide participants with “chess passports.” Anyone, regardless of age, can come by the Chess Fest, pick up a “passport,” and visit each of the six stations to learn how the pieces move. The first 500 participants to go through all the stations and learn how to play chess will receive a $5 gift certificate from Bookmans!

Bookmans Chess Passport

Bookmans Chess Passport

TheBookmans Chess Passport is just one example of how 9 Queens and Bookmans have partnered to promote chess literacy in Tucson. Thank you again to Bookmans for your ongoing support!

9 Queens: Empowerment through Chess

9 Queens is dedicated to empowering individuals and communities through chess by making the game fun, exciting, and accessible.

Player Spotlight


Varga Luna

(playing for 4 years)

“I became interested in chess when I was about four. I like chess bc you get to have fun and learn some things. You get to be more patient. You get to focus and concentrate. ”